Thursday, October 13, 2011

printf("Goodbye Dennis Ritchie \n");

Dennis Ritchie -1941-2011

The man who directly made the world learn 'C' skipping A and B. His contribution outweighs that of Steve Jobs and if he doesn't get equal importance than it would be injustice. 

Its been over 40 years and if we happen to pick a device with microchip - Washing machine, TV, Windows, Linux, Computer Games, Iphone, IPod, compilers of modern languages are either completely or partially made in C or its derivative. And so firms such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Oracle etc still depend on his creation.

Each of us has a return value, but only very few of us are able to know what  return value we need to pass back. And when our run-time ends, we hand ourselves over to the system.

A person's true importance and influence cannot be measured by how many websites post it or newspapers print it. 
So to the departed soul 
printf("Goodbye Dennis Ritchie...RIP \n");

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ravan Lives On....

This Ravan has no knowledge but only Pride

Challenging the Creator Himself,
The Ten headed stands firm.
O yes, he fears not death
The one who played Divine sports with Him,
Is now at the aim of His very arrow.
he fights for victory, for his desire!
Oblivious is he, What is victory when none to celebrate?
The arrow leaves Lord's bow,
Dashanand falls down,
Faces are lit up with smile as the sky with lights,
He's gone, O he's gone, its over!
Evil has been overpowered!
Alas, It was only an effigy.
The real Ravan lives on,
He's there, he's still there,
Triumphant in every era, 
None dares to face him,
Burn's all who come in its way
Defies but hates being defied
Locking horns is his honey
Dwells like a parasite
Chanting his own glories pleases him
But can't revere the same in else
No head, no body yet invincible
Elevates with each passing moment
Which arrow can make him fall?
Emerges impregnable with each win
Who has valour to stand up against oneself,
He breathes and nurtures inside,
O Ram, hear my plead, kill him
And liberate me from myself,
Save me from "I" 
Only Your Grace can help me conquer over it!